Holidays in the Sun?
Hello and here we are in September, after the wettest summer for 100 years.
Well, I hope you’ve had a great summer break, wherever you’ve been – and found some sunshine.
If you’re still dreaming of real sun and amazing holidays on tropical beaches, then now’s the time to sit down and do some serious planning for your future.
I’ve been checking out the latest property info and trends and I’ll be talking more about these at our new PIM meeting which launches on Thursday 27 September.
Students rents up 6% in Bristol
As you know, I’ve been investing in HMOs, including student properties, for some time now and of course they are now one of the hottest trends in property investment. I’ve been talking to Jim Haliburton, the “HMO Daddy” ahead of his talk about student property too – he started off as a college lecturer, renting properties to students.
One of the keys to successful HMOs, especially those based on student rentals, is to look at the latest most popular colleges and universities, where there is ongoing and increasing demand. Of course Bristol is a great prospects for student rental properties, with 2 very popular top-rated universities and various other colleges, with a huge student population.
So I was interested, but not surprised to see one of the latest property reports highlighting students rents in Bristol, up 6% this year – a very good increase, especially considering that Bristol was already very strong. Some of the strongest increases come from cities and towns where the universities and colleges are improving fast and attracting more new students.
Not surprisingly, London features strongly – and other strong student cities include Birmingham and Brighton.
In case you’re wondering what this translates to in real cash, average rents in Bristol are £68.70 per week for students – and many pay for the full year in advance, in order to secure the best properties. Often with the help of their student loans (or sometimes parents).
So, if you’re thinking about investing in HMOs and student property, do come along to our new PIM (Property Investment Meeting) on 27 September – and we can talk about the exciting opportunities in Bristol – and elsewhere. As ever it’s important to buy the right kind of property, which will appeal to students, in the right area – close to their college, friends and nightlife.
Tickets are selling fast, so don’t miss out – to get your ticket for the PIM, please Click Here.
To your property success
Del Brown, Property Investment Expert and author of Making Money From Property – Bristol Fashion