Are You Looking For A Joint Investment Partner?

I regularly invest in property with JV partners.

We’re all still finding the banks slow to lend and JVs are a great solution.

They are ideal if you are short of time, but have capital to invest; if you have time available, but limited access to capital; if you are looking for higher returns; if you are looking to access greater expertise and/or contacts.

I also enjoy doing deals together with others and it means we can share some of the rewards (and the risks) of investing in property.

Some of my very best deals have included a JV element.

I’m currently involved in JVs on various different bases, including

  • 50 : 50
  • Annual Fixed Return
  • Monthly Fixed Return

Obviously it’s always important to be clear about the JV arrangement and to have an agreed exit strategy – and most of all to do business with people you know and trust.

If you are interested in joint investments, then please Contact Me so we can start to get to know each other.

Del Brown Signature



Del Brown, Property Investment Expert and author of Making Money From Property – Bristol Fashion